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ADP 6-22 & ADRP 6-22 Army Leadership
1. Q. What does ADP 6-22 cover?
A: Army Leadership
2. Q. What is an Army Leader?
A: An Army Leader is Anyone who by Virtue of Assumed Role or Assigned Responsibility Inspires and Influences People to Accomplish Organizational Goals
3. Q. What is Leadership?
A: Leadership is the Process of Influencing People by Providing Purpose, Direction, and Motivation to Accomplish the Mission and Improve the Organization
4. Q. What is Toxic Leadership?
A: Toxic Leadership is a Combination of Self-Centered Attitudes, Motivations, and Behaviors that Have Adverse Effects on Subordinates, the Organization, and Mission Performance
5. Q. What do Toxic Leaders consistently use Dysfunctional Behaviors to Do?
A: Deceive, Intimidate, Coerce, or Unfairly Punish others to Get What they Want for Themselves
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6. Q. Can a Toxic Leader still achieve results?
A: Yes, but Only Short Term results where Followers Respond to the Positional Power of their Leader to Fulfill Requests
7. Q. What will Toxic or Negative Leadership effect in Followers?
A: Undermines the Followers’ Will, Initiative, and Potential and Destroys Unit Morale
8. Q. What are the two Characteristics of a Toxic Leader?
A: Operates with an Inflated Sense of Self-Worth and from Acute Self-Interest
9. Q. What is “Command”?
A: the Authority that a Commander in the Armed Forces Lawfully Exercises over Subordinates by Virtue of Rank or Assignment. Command includes the Authority and Responsibility for effectively using Available Resources and for Planning the Employment of, Organizing, Directing, Coordinating, and controlling Military Forces for the Accomplishment of Assigned Missions
10. Q. What is “Mission Command”?
A: the Exercise of Authority and Direction by the Commander using Mission Orders to Enable Disciplined Initiative within the Commander’s Intent to Empower Agile and Adaptive Leaders in the Conduct of Unified Land Operations
11. Q. What Army Regulation specifically Charges Commanders to Perform Functions such as Establishing a Positive Climate,Caring for the Well-Being of Soldiers, Properly Training their Soldiers and Developing Subordinates’ Competence?
A: AR 600-20
12. Q. What is AR 600-20?
A: Army Command Policy
13. Q. What are the three Leader Attributes?
A: 1. Character 2. Presence 3. Intellect
14. Q. What are the three Leader Competencies?
A: 1. Leads 2. Develops 3. Achieves
15. Q. What is Character?
A: the Essence of Who a Person Is, What a Person Believes, How a Person Acts
16. Q. What does a Leader taking Care of People Involve?
A: Creating and Sustaining a Positive Climate through Open Communications, Trust, Cohesion, and Teamwork
17. Q. How do Army Leaders build Trust?
A: by Being Honest and Dependable
18. Q. What are the three Leadership Attributes?
A: 1. Character 2. Presence 3. Intellect
19. Q. What are the three Leadership competencies?
A: 1. Leads 2. Develops 3. Achieves
20. Q. What is Empathy?
A: Empathy is Identifying and Understanding What others Think, Feel and Believe
21. Q. Why do Leaders Develop Others?
A: to Assume Greater Responsibility or Achieve Higher Expertise
22. Q. Why does a Leader Steward the Profession?
A: to Maintain Professional Standards and Effective Capabilities for the Future
23. Q. When Developing Subordinates, what should a Leader Provide?
A: Resources the Subordinate Needs to Succeed, Makes Expectations Clear, and Provides Positive, Meaningful Feedback
24. Q. What does Getting Results require?
A: the Right Level of Delegation, Empowerment and Trust balanced against the Mission
25. Q. Why is "Military Leadership" Unique?
A: because the Armed Forces Grow their Own Leaders from the Lowest to Highest levels
26. Q. What does the Leader Development Process Involve?
A: Leader development involves Recruiting, Accessing, Developing, Assigning, Promoting, Broadening, and Retaining the Best Leaders, while Challenging them over time with Greater Responsibility, Authority and Accountability
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